Billie Holladay Skelley was born in Atlanta, Georgia. She has lived in Kentucky, Wisconsin, Arizona, Missouri, and Iowa. After receiving her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, she worked as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in cardiovascular and thoracic surgery. She also served as a Nursing Instructor in Wisconsin and participated in Nursing Curriculum Development in Iowa. Billie has written health-related articles for both professional and lay journals.

Now retired from the nursing profession, Billie enjoys focusing on her writing. She is a member of the Missouri Writers’ Guild (MWG), the Oklahoma Writers’ Federation, Inc. (OWFI), the Joplin Writers’ Guild (JWG), the Ozarks Writers League (OWL), and the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI). Billie has published articles, essays, and poetry in various magazines, journals, and anthologies in print and online, including the American Journal of Nursing, Heart and Lung, Missouri Nurse, PreMedLife Magazine, Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine, Today’s Caregiver Magazine, Show Me the Ozarks, GAMbit, NSS News, Me, as a Child Poetry Series, My Mane Memories, Almanac for Farmers & City Folk, Ninety-Nines, Space Review, American Aviation Historical Society Journal, VietNow National Magazine, Stories of Joplin, Kentucky Explorer, God & Nature Magazine, Crowder Quill, Safe to Chew, Sasee, Saturday Writers, Harvard Magazine, Well Versed, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors. She also enjoys writing books for children and teens.